The Wait is Finally Over!
Pre-Registrations to FHTB 2022 is Now Open
Prevailing as the largest trade event of its kind in East Indonesia, Food, Hotel & Tourism Bali (FHTB) returns for the 12th edition to support Indonesia’s food & beverage, tourism and hotel industry. Throughout its 11 years reign, FHTB exemplified and continues to embody the spirit of economic and entrepreneurial possibility for domestic and international suppliers of the food, hotel and tourism industry looking to break into the growing needs and discerning tastes of club, hotel, and restaurant owners, purchasing managers, as well as tour operators, distributors, retailers, and wholesalers.
This year FHTB will showcase an array of products and services ranging from the most decadent food & beverage, food service and equipment, hospitality, coffee, wine & spirit, retail, and packaging. This leading biennial international trade event is a platform for connecting and networking exhibitors and buyers from the region’s leading resorts, hotel chains, restaurants and importers providing an undisputed entry point into this thriving and lucrative market opportunities especially for East Indonesia and continue to accelerate a sustainable business growth to help the sectors shine globally and making Indonesia 4.0 towards 2030. Revenue in the Food & Beverage sector is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2021-2025) of 10.79%, resulting in a projected market volume of US$4,346m by 2025. Join us in the excitement of Food, Hotel & Tourism Bali (FHTB) 2022!
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