6 main ethical concerns of service robots and human interaction
Around the world, a lot of people have lost their jobs during the pandemic. In parallel, automation, AI, and the usage of robots are becoming more and

Here Are The Top Food Tech And Sustainability Predictions For 2022
If the word of 2021 was unpredictable, the word of 2022 is impermanence. From rising food prices to continued supply chain woes, decades-high inflation, worker shortages due to Covid and working conditions,

6 trends shaping food and beverage growth in 2022
As many consumers hope for a fresh start in 2022, the ongoing pandemic will play a major role in shaping food and beverage trends regardless

Angka Kesembuhan COVID-19 Terus Meningkat dengan Kasus Aktif yang Konsisten Turun
Hari ini, angka kesembuhan COVID-19 kembali menunjukkan tren kenaikan. Data Kemenkes menunjukkan angka kesembuhan mencapai 46.669, lebih tinggi dari kemarin (4/3) yang di 40.462. Angka

Alhamdulillah, WHO Bawa Kabar Baik Terbaru soal Covid-19 Lagi
Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) kembali memberi update terbaru soal Covid-19 global pekan ini. Dari laporan yang diterbitkan untuk 21 hingga 27 Februari, WHO menyebut kasus corona

Quarantine-Free Plan for Bali Tourists to Launch One Week Early
Indonesia will allow quarantine-free entry for foreigners traveling to Bali starting March 7, bringing forward the plan by a week. Visitors from 23 countries, including